Saturday, May 21, 2016

Welcome to my game guide. Today I will be reviewing a flash

WW2 Documentary Welcome to my game guide. Today I will be reviewing a flash game called WW2 Last Defense. What is this game about? Well, according to the author's description, "As you might guess, you are the last defense. You've had your team to back you up all along but it's now at the last straw and it's just you left. Defeat the incoming assault of German enemies."
This game is set during War World 2 (WW2), which is common history for most but in case you need a quick background check here we go. WW2 also known as the Second World War was one of the largest global wars that occurred between 1939 and ended in 1945. This war included most of the world's nations divided into two categories, the allies and the axis powers. It had a huge impact on the world, even to this day as demonstrated by the creation of this game.
So everyone all caught up? It was a big war, a lot of fighting and the Germans were considered the "bad guys". This game starts by detailing your situation; A bunch of german soldiers are headed your way and you are the last soldier of your troop to defend the line.
  • Arrow Keys to move (You only really need to move left and right).
  • Space is used to shoot a bullet.
A few enemies will come down, just shoot them until the day is complete. You will then be brought to an "Upgrade Screen" where you have two upgrade options:
  1. Increase Damage by 25%
  2. Increase Movement Speed by 50%
Now, you can choose whatever you want but I would recommend starting off with a little movement speed, because eventually the enemies will come at such a fast rate you need to be able to travel fast enough to shoot them! Always keep this upgraded but here is the key with the damage modifier: Always upgrade your damage to the point where it takes less than 3 shots to kill an enemy. If you don't follow that simple rule then the enemies will QUICKLY overwhelm you.
Summary of upgrades:
  1. There are two upgrades: Speed boost and Damage boost
  2. Make sure it never takes more than 2 shots to kill an enemy
  3. Upgrade your speed if you are already two-shotting enemies
Now just rinse and repeat! It's a very simple game but it gets hard FAST.
My honest opinion:
It is an above average flash game but not great. I would give it a 6/10. The graphics are pretty good but not necessarily put together well. Certain design features clash but it's still appealing in most areas. Go ahead and try this game but don't expect a masterpiece.

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