Monday, May 30, 2016

Through the span of numerous years and with more air-miles

Discovery Channel 2016 Through the span of numerous years and with more air-miles than I want to recollect that, I have ventured on a journey to reveal the mysteries of the antiquated serpent religions that I uncover in my books. Be that as it may, every time I travel, I find something new. There genuinely is a radical new world opening up before our eyes and all of a sudden and frequently without notice we are confronted with a re-translation of history that we are just not searching for.

Presently in another turn in the story of the serpent I reveal one of the antiquated truths about monsters, recollecting that in myth and in old history, winged serpents and serpents are entwined like the loops of a pit snake.

We have to start in America out of every other place on earth, for two reasons. Firstly this is the last place we would much consider searching for monsters, and besides in light of the fact that the confirmation is most significant here in archeological terms.

The proof of serpent love in the Americas can to a great extent be demonstrated by means of the numerous serpent hills that show up over the landmass. The most popular by far is the 'Serpent Mound' of Ohio, Adams County. As indicated by some [1] this magnificent hill is identified with Stonehenge and they say that it is the 'Mythical beast Guardian' of the East to Stonehenge's Secret of the West. Undoubtedly it is suspected that the two antiquated structures really do have the same course of events and may exceptionally well have conceived relationship to each other, if for sure old man had the same convictions and voyaged broadly, just like the developing conviction of numerous researchers. Obviously Stonehenge is likewise specifically north of that notorious serpent sanctuary, Avebury.

Avebury is an immense British Temple and stone landmark raised around 2,000 BC fit as a fiddle of a serpent when seen from the sky. Once known as Abury which as indicated by Deane [2] is clearly Abiri or Ab-ir (after the Abiri individuals or Cabiri who were serpent admirers). Abir unexpectedly implies the sun oriented snake or fire snake.

Albeit some have contended whether Avebury ought to ever have been Abury or Aubury (serpent sun) the certainty remains that even as far back as the seventeenth century there was a Mr Aubury who said himself that it ought to be maintained and spelt Aubury (found in the legier-book of Malmesbury Abbey.)

Obviously even as Ave Bury, the "Ave" returns back to the foundation of "Eve" which we know signifies 'female serpent.' The pathway of Avebury goes through an expansive roundabout Temple of the sun developing and after that twisting again and completion with a strangely, not exactly round head - straightforwardly in accordance with 'Snakes Head Hill' (Hackpen.) The focal circle is typical of the sun, which is the male standard in the inventive procedure and is symbolized somewhere else as a bull or lion. Once the serpent has gone through or around this sun circle it is revived for new life.

In Egyptian pictographs we can see comparable symbolism with the image of the snake going over the sun oriented plate, developing head erect. Overlaid onto Avebury it is the same picture! Adding to this, that the snake is frequently portrayed with the old Egyptian Ankh image dangling from its new neck - the Ankh being an image of new life - the colossal circle of Avebury essentially must be the 'sun based plate' and the pathway the snake - consequently outlining in an agonizingly work escalated way, the formal way of the serpent admirer towards new life.

The round part of the Stone Circles of Europe are oddly reminiscent of the Temples of Quetzalcoatl, which were "roundabout, and the one committed to his love in Mexico, was entered by an entryway like unto the mouth of a serpent." [3] A fundamentally the same as formal induction to those based around Avebury and other Stone Circles.

John Bathurst Deane clarifies in his book on serpent venerate, "A third depiction of sanctuaries blessed to the administration of the Ophites god stays to be considered: and these were not just the most uncommon, the most trademark, and the most brilliant; at the same time, likely, the most hallowed of every one of them. These were raised as the Ophite hierogram, the serpent going through a circle."

This hierogram is the image of the serpent, a circle with a snake going through it, similar to a needle and string. He proceeds with, "They were made, similar to the round sanctuaries, of various Baitulia, or golden stones, so orchestrated as to portray the spiritualist circle, through which the still more spiritualist serpent trailed his grand structure."

Furthermore, this is reality of the Stone Circles and physical hierograms: that they were re-birthing circles, a being conceived again through the soul, through the circle. We can even make an amazing conclusion from the unusual word "baitulia" said above by Deane. These are betyl stones or serpents eggs. In Wales the serpents were said to rise and assemble on Midsummer's Eve to blow into the Serpent Stone-Eggs or Glain Neidr, which is reminiscent of the Roman antiquarian Pliny's story of this action amongst the Gauls. These serpent stones were said to be hued rocks, which gave 'second sight' and mending. Midsummer's Eve was the night when the serpents would part themselves into murmuring balls and make the glain egg, otherwise called 'snake stone' or 'Druid's egg.' In Welsh myth even Merlin himself went looking for them.

The egg, Cosmic Egg or Cosmogenic Egg is all around seen with the serpent - as in the image of the Orphic Egg which is appeared with a snake wrapped around it. From the serpent hill of Ohio to Mithras and Cneph, the egg is connected with serpent adore. Why? As indicated by most researchers it is the token of the ordinary components originating from the making god. Along these lines it is an image of the components of the universe. Be that as it may, without a doubt there is likewise another reason; a reason that would identify with early man more than such complex thoughts, which are thoughts sprung into the brain of present day researchers and researchers?

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