Thursday, May 19, 2016

On the eighteenth of February 2011, the Cornel University Library declared

Discovery Channel Documentary On the eighteenth of February 2011, the Cornel University Library declared a quantum organic disclosure by two Chinese researchers from colleges in Mongolia. The researchers utilized arithmetic to clarify why proteins were collapsed strangy inside DNA, in insubordination of the twentieth Century's experimental world-view.

A concentrate from the book entitled, Science-Art and Human Survival Technology, distributed 10 years prior by the Science-Art Research Center of Australia, had anticipated the revelation made by Liaofu Luo and Jun Lu. A concentrate from the book specifying cell layer takes after. "Developmental heading is given by the continually changing states of the advancing protein, which when measured, shows that it is moving toward all inclusive endlessness." This idea is in disobedience of the Einsteinian world-view.

The properties of the fluid precious stone optic development of the cell layer, at nano-scale, are considered to see the presence of holographic reality. This mindfulness is transmitted to cognizance through endorphins making a Golden Mean example acknowledgment joy, including an electromagnetic procedure (the Greek Wisdom Through Beauty idea). The changing protein examples are known not communicating parts of limitless fractal geometry, which, in old Mesopotamia was called holy geometry. The geometry's relationship with the outline of living things was taught to understudies including Leonardo da Vinci, amid the fifteenth Century by Fibbonacci and Pacioli, when they acquainted Babylonian science with European civilisation.

Pacioli summed up this scientific connection to science with his renowned quote"Like God, the Divine Proportion is constantly like itself ", this is known today to be an outflow of the endless property of fractal rationale. Such outline geometry is found in the development of living things, for example, pine-cones, sunflowers and pineapples. The Molecule of Emotion, found in 1972 by Dr Candace Pert, advances by expanding the rate of its atomic development as an endless fractal expression. The Mesopotamian arithmetic can now be connected to an enthusiastic Platonic Greek science called The science for moral closures. Notwithstanding, that specific science was inferred, not from the Babylonian Mystery schools, but rather from Mesopotamia's old Egyptian Mystery schools, as was found by the mathematician, Buckminster Fuller.

Nanotechnology has uncovered that the contrast between Fuller's discoveries from the Egyptian schools and the numerical discoveries by Bertrand Russell and Albert Einstein, got from the Babylonian schools, is imperative. As Fuller noticed, this distinction is about settling on a decision between Utopia or Oblivion. Bertrand Russell's most well known exposition, written in 1904, entitled A Freeman's Worship, demanded we should bear the consistent rule of tumult and despondency connected with Einstein's reality view. Their common world-view held that the second law of thermodynamics, referred to likewise as the law of all inclusive disarray, should dependably administer our logical society. That law obviously incorporates the science maintaining worldwide monetary realism.

Russell and Einstein demanded that when the universe in the end emanated the greater part of its vitality out into icy space, then all life in the universe must be devastated. Russell alluded to this hopeless end to everything, as a "Universe in thermodynamic ruin." However, this idea has been ended up being wrong. The late CERN test, distributed by the diary Nature, demonstrated that diminishing novae in the Milky Way sent enormous radiation through a huge number of years of space-time to impact the advancement of life on earth. This grandiose radiation from novae in the Milky Way causes mists on earth to create downpour. This revelation made mayhem inside the European carbon credit economy, which is currently on the purpose of breakdown. Such a great amount for worldwide monetary realism.

The demise of a dinosaur in old jasper fields created an unsaturated fat fluid gem cleanser, which, when presented to the same infinite radiation, started to transform into jasper precious stones. The hallowed geometries can be seen in this procedure and mathematicians have distributed that the crystalline structures structure boundless fractal rationale explanations applicable to antiquated numerical mythologies.

The attitude of Bertrand Russell and Albert Einstein would never have envisioned that such a marvel may exist. Their logical world-perspective could never have proposed to them the likelihood of utilizing arithmetic to revelation the significant material science laws in charge of a wonder such as this. To them, no exploratory clarification of how consecrated geometry may represent the human legendary instinct that the living procedure continued toward interminability, would have been conceivable. No models of life on earth, being connected with the workings of an unending holographic universe, are took into consideration under their decree, which held that in the end all life in the universe must be obliterated.

In 1990, the Australian Science-Art Research Center's mathematician found the new life vitality laws, which was distributed by the world's biggest mechanical exploration organization, IEEE-SPIE Milestone Series, as being one of the colossal disclosures from twentieth Century writing. The Einsteinian desire to die legacy, administering Western society's advanced education framework, basically disallowed standard science from exploring this disclosure further. In 1995 a universal companion audit appraisal of the disclosure, under the support of the Institute for Basic Research in America, declared the revelation of the Center's science as being pertinent to new material science laws overseeing ideal organic development and improvement through space-time. The Einsteinian world-perspective can along these lines be thought to be carcinogenic.

We can pick up a knowledge into why Western society is decimating itself, by looking at the distinction between the love of prevailing religious gods of old Babylon and of old Egypt. Western science and material science related the utilization of consecrated geometries as having a place with the legendary love of the Babylonian Goddess Ishtar, the Goddess of sex and war. Betrand Russell in his personal history, composed, that amid his puberty he was forlorn and the main reason that he didn't submit suicide was his desire to take in more about how old arithmetic were connected to supernatural rationality.

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