Saturday, August 20, 2016

Wolf Blitzer: "Thank you for going along with us

WW2 Battle Wolf Blitzer: "Thank you for going along with us. You are here in the Situation Room with the best gathering of journalists anyplace on TV right here on CNN. Today it is my pleasure to welcome to CNN for the first run through a noteworthy Hollywood singing and acting star, Lindsay Lohan. Welcome to the Situation Room on CNN Lindsay. Is it O.K. on the off chance that I call you Lindsay, or on the off chance that you lean toward I can call you Ms. Lohan, or by your wedded name, are you hitched Ms. Lohan?"

Lindsay Lohan: "Yes Wolf I am hitched to Calvin Klein yet you can call me Lindsay."

Wolf Blitzer: "Thank you Ms. Lohan. My maker just instructed me to call you Ms. Lohan yet in the event that you lean toward then I will call you Lindsay. My maker just said in my earpiece that I can call you Lindsay. That will be fine. O.K. So thank you for coming into the Situation Room with us today Lindsay Lohan."

Lindsay Lohan: "The pleasure is all mine Wolf. Is it accurate to say that you are high Wolf? Are you feeling O.K. I mean I get talked with five times each day and it is possible that you are truly stoned or truly apprehensive or truly impeded. I would prefer not to surmise that you ever ended up in the genuine circumstance room in a noteworthy war in the storm cellar of the White House with President Bush and Vice President Cheney. What a stunning thought."

Wolf Blitzer: "Really Lindsay Lohan this is the genuine circumstance room, the White House stole the name from us. We don't get that numerous lovely well known on-screen characters on here, for the most part I talk with Candy Crowley and honestly I'm somewhat apprehensive. Do you know Brad Pitt?"

Lindsay Lohan: "I see. I'm sad Wolf I didn't intend to offend you yet honestly you are cracking me out before an overall crowd. Is it genuine that CNN is claimed by AOL Time Warner and the larger part shareholders of AOL Time Warner is possessed by the House of Saud, the Saudi Royal family or is that only a horrible gossip circumventing Hollywood. Sean Penn and Jane Fonda were letting me know that Jane's ex Ted Turner used to claim CNN and that the House of Saud purchased it and that is the reason it appears like your journalists do not understand. Sean Penn and Jane Fonda additionally let me know that it isn't that your correspondents do not understand, it's simply that your columnists are advised to imagine that they do not understand so that the American individuals are always left oblivious about what's truly going ahead with American residential and remote strategy."

"Sean Penn and Jane Fonda likewise let me know that in truth the Iraq War has been incredible for the general population who claim the oil, similar to the Saudi Royal family and the Bush and Cheney families. Sean said that the cost of oil and the oil offers have soar subsequent to the Iraq War started. Saddam Hussein told Sean Penn actually that George Herbert Walker Bush and his child George W. Shrub were financed in their own particular oil organization by the group of Osama receptacle Laden. Saddam Hussein additionally told Sean Penn by and by that the more seasoned President George Bush is on the top managerial staff of the Saudi Royal Family Oil Company and the safeguard offense contractual worker the Carlysle Group together with the Saudi Royal family, and that the Saudis are placing billions into the Bush financial balances in Switzerland. Resistance contracts and oil have truly experienced the rooftop in light of the Iraq War and they will truly fly if America attacks Iran wouldn't you say Wolf?"

Wolf Blitzer: "Um, uh, do you know Jennifer Aniston?"

Lindsay Lohan: "Yes Wolf I know Brad Pitt and Jennifer Aniston and Angelina Jolie. Would you like me to get their signature for you?"

Wolf Blitzer: "That would be extraordinary Lindsay thank you to such an extent."

Lindsay Lohan: "You're entirely welcome Wolf or in the event that you incline toward I can call you five star General Wolf Blitzer the best General in the Situation Room right here on CNN. At any rate Wolf, do you recollect when General Colin Powell the previous Secretary of State took his slide show to the United Nations with American knowledge satellite photos of the atomic bombs and weapons of mass pulverization controlled by Saddam Hussein which drove us into the Iraq War and prompted his now cleaning the floor of the ball court at the University of Indiana? Well I conveyed my own particular slides today to disclose to the American individuals the genuine reason that the United States is included in the Iraq War, forthcoming the Iran War and the genuine reason that President George Bush and Vice President Dick Cheney and their consigliores Karl Rove and Lewis Scooter Libby have utilized such a large number of strange misleads legitimize America's nearness in Iraq. Is it O.K. on the off chance that I demonstrate my slides now Wolf?"

Wolf Blitzer: "Hang on please Lindsay. My maker is shouting in my ear, there is by all accounts a phone call going ahead in my ear in Arabic, no I don't think we can permit that I'm sad Lindsay."

Lindsay Lohan: "Wolf might you want to go to a gathering at my home with Brad Pitt and Jennifer Aniston and Angelina Jolie and Steven Spielberg? It's this Saturday night and I'm certain that my companions would love to meet you."

Wolf Blitzer: "Truly Lindsay, no chance, that would be wonderful. Much obliged to you so much, goodness! O.K. I'm sad for intruding on you. Lets see your photos."

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