Saturday, August 13, 2016

Ruler, I have enough cash, adequate sustenance

Weapons Documentary Ruler, I have enough cash, adequate sustenance, feeling of fulfillment at the minor thought about my family, bliss in the heart, peace in my spirit or more all visually impaired dedication of affection and trust in you. As a kid I thought the above were adequate to lead a glad and serene life. However, as years went, as my encounters achieved the rafters of my own self, as my development level raised since step one in the stepping stool of 'Life', I understood the above are not sufficiently only to fill a human soul of desire.

My heart cries when it feels the inconceivable distress of the general population around me; my sensible personality kicks the bucket when it is powerless to include the limitless individuals trouble; my insight feels regretful when the instruction I was granted can be of no utilization to help the light of another being even by an inch; my higher self battles when it sees my egotistical self direct it.

The minute these eyes see a calamity, they stoop down in vulnerability; the minute these ears hear some disagreeable news about any being, not with meekness but rather with despondency they overlap themselves into a bud not having any desire to show themselves; the minute my tongue tries to contort to support the creatures in catastrophe, it gets fixed as it does not have the commendable words equipped for bringing back the lost existences of their kin. My heart frenzies and snorts in powerlessness when it hears and sees boundless individuals who are ravenous with no sustenance.

I ask God how I can help these creatures as I am a solitary moment drop which can't extinguish the yearning of this strong Ocean of poor and penniless. With powerlessness and inadequacy I bounce with blame when I fill my stomach with delightful sustenance various times in a day. The main comfort I feel is to petition the Lord to fill all the ravenous stomachs at my first piece. Some of the time it turns out to be hard for me to place myself in others' shoes yet my internal voice prompts me that this sentiment unity is others conscious. I am not glad when the general population around me are suffocated in distress. I have everything except for I now recognize what I need. I do not have the capacity to fill the general population's eyes with Happiness and their souls with Peace. My yearning is not extinguished when there are numerous who pass on of appetite. My riches doesn't make me rich when there are individuals wrapped in destitution. I grin from outside yet I whine from inside. The unparalleled way I discharge this inclination is by saying my supplication to the Lord-

"O Lord, I exceptionally understand our activities govern each part of our Lives yet rather why not run us as you have no sentiment thine and mine? Give us a chance to understand our missteps and use our shelter of separation to step far from committing errors. Give all my kindred creatures a chance to fill their stomachs without limitations, let their brains be free of eagerness, let their hearts be loaded with Content and let their lives be lived in such a route in order to be an offering at your heavenly lotus feet. My life has visited from 'I know NOT what I need' to 'I know NOW what I need.' But I am distant from everyone else and I feel vulnerable and hopeless."

I am a solitary drop

In the sea of numerous drops

I can just dribble and drop

Furthermore, cry and log yet

Can never run and hoard.

I am a little drop

That pops like a top

In a fine pearl shape

Be that as it may, I am a solitary drop

That needs to make a forceful yield

"O Lord, I render my life in your grasp to be demonstrated the way to Service."

- Sharmila Sanka

About the Author

With pride that I have been honored with a human structure, I generally wanted to get any open door so as to use this human birth minus all potential limitations and finally I found the solution for my desire psyche and it was no other than ‘Spirituality.’

My little heart panged for the longing to extinguish my thirst of ‘releasing the heaviness’ which dwelled within it since years. It wanted after the spirit inside soliciting to uncover more from life – Materialistic and Spiritual as Articles and Quotations which had the sole reason for offering it to other individuals not for name or acclaim but rather to tame this little personality towards the higher objective of ‘Global Peace’ on this planet plane.

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