Thursday, October 27, 2016

When we dive into history pages

History Channel When we dive into history pages, the acquisitions and gatherings would astound and in some cases truly surprising! Indeed history ought to unmistakably reflect and call attention to the different weaknesses and imperfections of humankind. At that point just we will have the capacity to make new history without rehashing yesterday's blemishes! "Mamamgham" is associated with the historical backdrop of "Valluvanad" and will recount to you the startling story of battling for political amazingness and the pitiful story of fighters who were utilized as "Chavers" (suicide executioners)! History won't rehash all things considered and you can't expect "Mamamgham" to be organized again at same platform with similar characters and with a similar clothing! Yet, history will be continually having new incarnations suiting the time and place!

Mamamgham is a Malayalam word which actually signifies 'Fantastic Fighting' and which means an occasion that chose who might be the future head of the nation! Amid the "Mamamgham" time every little leader of the zone used to gather at "Thirunnawaya" once in at regular intervals and it was at this meeting the future ruler was chosen. The aggregate time of one "Mamamgham" was 28 days and amid nowadays there was a happy mind-set all through the nation. Nowadays of "Mamamgham" were likewise the times of some incredible public exhibitions. History lets us know that chaotic exchanging exercises likewise occurred over the span of 'Mamamgham'. Dynamic investment of the outside dealers who came in boats and canal boats through "Ponnani" port, made the 'exchange fairs' truly alluring and helpful.

The last "Mamamgham" was organized in 1755 as per history books. At the point when the rule of "Perumals" was finished every one of the rights to sort out "Mamamgham" went under the Valluvanad ruler "Vellattiri" and this was addressed by the 'Kozhikode Zamorin' who later took the rights by drive. This occurrence brought forth contempt between the two "Rajas" and made bunches of gore! "Vellattiri" began to send "Chavers" (suicide executioners) and history shows us that these "Chavers" used to remain at the 'Nilapadu Thara' (soil of statement) and used to battle with the furnished officers till they kick the bucket, in this way announcing they challenge the 'Kozhikode Zamorin' and their "suffering" was praised all through the nation! This 'Nilapadu Thara' and the profound well, "Manikkinar" in which dead collections of the "Chavers" were dumped are presently secured by the archeological office. Looking through any side of Valluvanad history, we can see that "Mamamgham" was truly an imperious treachery by the then leaders of the nation! You can contrast this and the advanced legislative issues moreover!

For making a refined society we need to gain from history and we should take self vows that we won't permit any more "Mamamgham" like occasions to be arranged here and that no more "Chavers" will be conceived here!

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