Saturday, September 24, 2016

Charles Cassady Jr relates numerous local American Legends

History Channel Documentary Charles Cassady Jr relates numerous local American Legends in his Paranormal Great Lakes an Illustrated Encyclopedia. Chippewa and Canadian Indians recounted Naitaka, a since a long time ago necked creature that ate men and deer alike. The Chippewa likewise recounted an anonymous mammoth, the Giant Sturgeon of Lake Superior that ate entire boats. Ojibway Indians said Mishipishu was another beast of Lake Superior. It was a mammoth, feline like animal, with something like spines down its back, who ensured its copper at Isle Royale and Michipicoten Island, similar to a mythical serpent securing its gold. It's tail could level one entire town. And after that there was the snake-like Mishi Ginabig, an awesome Horned Serpent who combat the similarly enormous Thunderbird. The Thunderbird won the fight, taking the monster serpent frame the water and diverting it, as lightning flashed and thunder shook the skies. There were spirits along the lakes as well; the Wendigo drove men to frenzy and barbarianism.

More advanced reports are of an animal with the non-undermining name of South Bay Bessie in Lake Erie, now and then called Lem or Lemmy as a shortening of Lake Erie Monster or the Great Snake of Lake Erie. In 1793 the chief of the sloop office startled a vast animal increasingly that 16 and a half feet long. From that point on, sightings of the subtle animal were accounted for from the 1800's into advanced times. Is it safe to say that this was a cousin of Mishi Ginabig in a circumscribing lake?

Vortexes of Doom...

The colossal lakes are the absolute most slippery waters know not and they have asserted numerous boats and lives throughout the hundreds of years. Some of these disaster areas have peculiar legends connected to them. There are more than 1000 boats guaranteed by the lakes. It is no big surprise that there are two puzzle triangles or territories of fate given to these lakes. There is a Great Lakes Triangle, on the grounds that the lakes are shaped in a sort of triangle, and the Michigan Triangle. Like the Bermuda Triangle off the shore of Florida, these triangles are said to bring about weird vanishings, vortexes, instrument irregularities and so forth. More on the scourge of the Michigan triangle to take after.

Apparition Ships...

The main Ghost Ship of the lakes is the Griffon. In 1678, in the wake of setting sail from Green Bay, the boat had made it to its goal in Wisconsin, yet once setting sail once more, its accepted to have entered a tempest. The Griffon was never seen again. That is until Indian tribes reported seeing the boat along Lake Erie, Huron and Michigan. It was located by mariners in northern Michigan. They cruised to the boat, however the nearer they got, the Griffon vanished. A few records say that the Iroquois prophet, Metiomek thought the Griffon was made to obliterate the Great Spirit, Gitchee Manitou and put a condemnation on the Griffon. It is said you can even now see the boat gleaming during the evening.

The best phantom boat locating is from Rowley Murphy who was on Lake Ontario in 1910. While resting, he was stirred amidst the night by a steamers shriek alert impacts. In the moonlight, Rowley could see a little more seasoned outline of steamer boat. The caution impacts proceeded. A few men boarded a shabby and went out to offer guide. As the men achieved the territory where there ought to have been a boat, they were welcomed with only vast water. The apparition ship had vanished.


The Michigan Triangle is credited with the baffling vanishing of Northwest Orient Airlines, Flight 2501. On June 23rd, 1950, in the late night hours, radio contact with the DC-4 was lost. The plane was over what some call the focal point of the Michigan Triangle. Two hours after the last call from the flight to movement control, a UFO was seen in the region. In spite of the fact that flotsam and jetsam and bodies were recuperated, the plane was never found.

There are speculations that an Alien base exists under one or a few of the lakes. Reports of USO's or Under Submarine Objects from the Great Lakes dated back to the 1940's and into our present time. In 1951 a steamship chief and his team saw an orange specialty over Lake Superior with two gleaming windows. Also, in August of 1952 a TWA pilot reported being "hummed" by a flying saucer. That same month the Air Force Radar base on Keweenaw Peninsula reported a "development" of UFO's over Lake Superior.

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