Monday, June 15, 2015

The universes of Creationism and Theology

History Channel Documentary The universes of Creationism and Theology don't comprehend the Genesis content, along these lines they accept and instruct false and silly tenets. As clarified in the "Perceptions of Moses" (Genesis 1:2 - 2:3), the seven days are composed in the request which they were uncovered by Yehovah to Moses. Yet sequentially, they take after the grouping of "the Feasts of the Lord", and is the first disclosure of Yeshua (Jesus) in the Scriptures. I encourage everybody to turn upward the name "Michael Rood" and "Dining experiences of the Lord".

So as to comprehend the Gospels, and the first of three appearances of the Messiah, you should first grasp the Feasts which God provided for Israel, and I accept Mr. Rood is the main master here. As he says, the "Blowouts" are shadow pictures of good things to come.

Continuing from Part 1, it is 245 Million BC, the end of the first period of humanity on Earth, which started toward the end of (our) Creation Week, 4.6 billion years back. This time is spoken to by the Fourth Day, Genesis 1:14 - 19. Earth was a heaven. The Moon, alongside all other divine bodies in our close planetary system, at first were craterless. The planet Venus initially had white mists. The planet Mars was made with waterways of streaming water, and copious vegetation. The fifth planet was a geologic miracle, part physical shake, and part vaporous. The 6th planet (now the fifth), which we call Jupiter, had more than 60 moons, additionally had an oval comet (S/L-9), which circled Jupiter about at regular intervals.

With the fall of Lucifer, our framework endured his rage, since he reprimanded the earthlings for his disappointments. The fifth planet was swung to rubble (the space rock belt), with a great part of the remaining garbage being leaped all through our close planetary system, trying to decimate as much as he could. This is a period of turmoil on Earth, for unique humankind, as portrayed by the first layer of Revelation 12:10 - 17. Remainders of life structures were given shelter in our empty Earth. In Exodus 20:11 (... furthermore, all that in them is), God as of now had made arrangements, furthermore had made procurement for the spot called "sheol", which would later on be involved by equitable souls on one side, and wicked souls in torment anticipating judgment on the other side. God saw "the end from the earliest starting point".

Amid this interim, and the others to take after, the Earth was desolate, and the Sun did not sparkle. Satan was not glad that there was no living thing to associate with. Yet soon, the fifth day of Moses started (Gen 1:20 - 23), which exhibited Restoration Week One. This is the period that cutting edge science calls, the age of the dinosaurs (245 Million BC - 65 Million BC). It was on this day that God made plesiosaurs and liopleurodons, which Moses called "ocean beasts" (not incredible whales). God likewise made archaeopteryx (fowls of the air) which Moses additionally saw. Notwithstanding, on the 6th (one) day from now of this current week, God made the area dinosaurs, and the second coming of humanity, yet Moses was not demonstrated that specific day.

This second coming of humanity appeared to be content with utilizing the bigger life shapes as helpful animals trouble. It is obscure how far innovatively they progressed. Satan attempted the same strategies on them as he did with unique humankind, yet they additionally would not cede. By whatever methods, whether it was physical or additional physical, Satan actuated the second significant annihilation, after by and by getting to be exhausted with humanity, in 65 Million BC.

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